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@Petri Kärkkaïnen

Svenska Teatern - Nicken-scenen

• Saturday February 21 at 13.00

Duration: approx. 60min

Ages: All ages

Languages: English, Finnish

Pricing: 25€ (full price), 20-15€ (reduced*)

*Students, children, pensioners, unemployed

New Theatre Helsinki presents:

Sneak Peak into the Theatre of the Future

Sneak Peek into the Theatre of the Future takes us on a journey to discover what the Youth find important to share. The groups will show us three premier pieces of their creativity, different ways of thinking, stories, materials, and the different theatrical genres they experimented with and acquired during the workshops. Welcome to the universe we create, we know performing is a power and a responsibility. 

The young artists of the performance are from the Theatre of the Future workshops organised by the New Theatre Helsinki initiative in different districts of Helsinki. The aim is to enable the youngsters to explore that theatre is enjoyable, a creative community, and an inclusive art form that could be done by anyone.

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