New Theatre Helsinki (NTH) on vuosille 2020–2022 sijoittuva esittävän taiteen hanke, jonka aikana Helsinkiin luodaan uusi esittävän taiteen kulttuuriselle moninaisuudelle omistettu esityskeskus. NTH on syntynyt tarpeesta saada yhteiskuntamme kielellinen ja kulttuurinen monimuotoisuus näkyväksi esittävän taiteen sisällöissä, tekijöissä ja yleisöissä.
New Theatre Helsinki -hankkeen päämääränä on toimia siltana ja alustana eritaustaisten esittävän taiteen ammattilaisten, moninaisten yleisöjen ja olemassa olevien teatteritalojen väliselle yhteistyölle ja kohtaamiselle. Verkostoitumisen myötä hanke ja tuleva esityskeskus luovat uusia yhteistoiminnan muotoja pääkaupunkiseudulla, koko Suomessa ja muissa Pohjoismaissa.
New Theatre Helsinki -hankkeen vastuullisina vetäjinä toimivat Helsingissä 2007 perustettu kansainvälinen teatterikollektiivi European theatre collective (etc) sekä vuodesta 2005 Helsingissä toiminut fyysisen teatterin eri muotoja yhdistelevä Teatteri Metamorfoosi.
Entistä inklusiivisemman esittävän taiteen kentän luomme yhdessä me kaikki – taiteen ammattilaiset, katsojat ja kokijat, yhteisöt ja yhteenliittymät. Matkalla uuteen esityskeskukseen järjestämämme avoimia keskusteluja, kohtaamisia, työpajoja ja esityksiä vaihtuvissa tiloissa ja kumppaniteattereissa. Seuraa meitä ja tule mukaan!
New Theatre Helsinki (NTH) is a performing arts initiative running between 2020–2022. The initiative’s purpose is to create a new venue dedicated to the cultural diversity of the performing arts field. NTH was born from the need to make the linguistic and cultural diversity of our society visible in the field of the performing arts: in its contents, makers and audiences.
The New Theatre Helsinki aims to be a meeting point and a platform for co-operation between the arts professionals and audiences from diverse backgrounds as well as the existing theatres. The project will also create new networks and forms of co-working within the capital region, Finland and the other Nordic countries.
NTH is led by two Helsinki-based theatre associations well experienced in working in the field of performing arts and interculturality. European Theatre Collective (ETC) is an international theatre collective, formed in 2007. Teatteri Metamorfoosi, formed in 2005, focuses on physical theatre.
To build a more diverse and inclusive performing arts scene we need you all – spectators, performers and arts professionals, communities, networks and coalitions. During the project we’ll organise open talks, meetings, workshops and performances in different venues and at our partner theatres. You are most welcome to follow and join us.
مسرح هيلسنكي الجديد
مسرح هيلسنكي الجديد عبارة عن مبادرة عروض فنية من ٢٠٢٠- ٢٠٢٢. المبادرة تهدف لإنشاء طرق جديدة مختصة في التنوع الثقافي في مجال العروض الفنية. تمإنشاء مسرح هيلسنكي الجديد بسبب الاحتياج من تقديم اللغات والثقافات المتنزهات المجتمع الفنلندي من خلال محتوى العروض، الفنانين والجمهور.
مسرح هيلسنكي الجديد يهدف الي ان يكون حلقة وصل بين فنانين محترفين والجمهور من جنسيات مختلفة وربطها مع المسارح المقيمة في فنلندا. المشروع يهدفللمسار طرق جديدة للتواصل والعمل داخل فنلندا ومدن لإسكندنافيا المجاورة.
تم إنشاء مسرح هيلسنكي الجديد من قيل منظمتين في مجال المسرح الفني والاندماج الثقافي؛ منظمة مجموعة المسرح الأوروبي، أنشأت سنة ٢٠٠٧ وهي عبارة عن مجموعة مسرح عالمية. ومنظمة وهي مسرح ميتامورفوسي، إنشاء سنة ٢٠٠٥ وهو عبارة عن مسرح مبني عل الحركات الجسدية.
لإنشاء مجتمع شامل ومتنوع في مجال العروض الفنية، نحن بحاجة لتعاون كلا من ممثلين، مخرجين، عاملين في مجال العروض الفنية.
من خلال المشروع سوف نقوم بإنشاء حوارات ونقاشات مفتوحة و ورشات عمل و عروض مسرحية في أماكن و مسارح مختلفة.
.نحن نرحب في كل من هو مهتم بالانضمام
New Theatre Helsinki (NTH) este o iniţiativă care vizează artele spectacolului şi care se desfăşoară între anii 2020 şi 2022. Scopul iniţiativei este acela de a crea un nou loc de întâlnire dedicat diversităţii culturale în domeniul artelor spectacolului. NTH a luat fiinţă din nevoia de a spori vizibilitatea diversităţii lingvistice şi culturale a societăţii noastre, manifestată în artele spectacolului atât ca şi conţinut, cât şi din punctul de vedere al interpreţilor şi al receptorilor (publicului).
New Theatre Helsinki are ca scop să devină un loc de întâlnire şi o platformă de cooperare între profesioniştii din domeniul artelor şi spectatorii lor (indiferent de pregătirea pe care o au), dar şi între ei şi instituţiile teatrale deja existente. De asemenea, proiectul va crea noi reţele şi modalităţi de conlucrare între regiunea de bază, Finlanda, şi celelalte ţări nordice.
NTH este condus de două asociaţii teatrale cu baza la Helsinki. Acestea au o vastă experienţă în domeniul artelor spectacolului şi a inter-culturalităţii. European theatre collecive (ETC) este o asociaţie teatrală internaţională formată în anul 2007. Teatteri Metamorfoosi, înfiinţat în 2005, se axează pe teatru fizic.
În efortul de a crea o scenă mai diversificată şi mai cuprinzătoare pentru artele spectacolului, avem nevoie de voi toţi – spectatori, actori şi profesionişti ai artelor, comunităţi, reţele şi asociaţii. Pe durata proiectului, vom organiza discuţii libere, întâlniri, ateliere şi spectacole în diverse locaţii, inclusiv la teatrele partenere. Sunteţi bineveniţi să ne urmăriţi şi să vă alăturaţi iniţiativei noastre.
When: on Friday 27th October 2023 at 10.00 - 16.15
Where: Hanaholmen Cultural Centre, Hanasaarenranta 5, 02100 Espoo, Finland
Registration: Mandatory registration to attend at Hanaholmen via this link: https://tinyurl.com/4uytn6k8
Stream: on the New Theatre Helsinki Youtube channel: https://youtube.com/live/fntfPeYLDdY
The Nordic societies are ever changing and increasingly culturally and linguistically diverse. Nevertheless, the existing arts and culture institutions do not yet reflect these changes or the diverse reality that exists in the Nordics. Which action is needed to normalize inclusivity and diversity?
The seminar discusses how the cultural and linguistic diversity has influence in the Nordics, in the diversifying performing arts scene. Which new ways of working and new forms of collaboration are needed to create a more inclusive and equal performing arts field? How can inclusivity and diversity be ensured on, around and in front of the stage? Whose stories are told in the Nordic Region?
The seminar Building Bridges: The Concrete Action for Interculturalism and Inclusion in Nordic Theatre brings together decision-makers and performing arts professionals in the Nordic Region to discuss concrete action for a more intercultural and inclusive performing arts scene.
The seminar is organised by the New Theatre Helsinki initiative and the New Nordic Network: A Platform for Diversity together with the Hanaholmen Cultural Centre. The event is supported by the Nordic Culture Foundation and the Nordic Culture Point.
The seminar language is English.
10.00 - 10.05 Opening Words, David Kozma, Artistic Director, New Theatre Helsinki
10.05 - 10.30 Keynote: Promoting cultural diversity in Nordic cooperation, Riitta Heinämaa, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
10.30 - 10.50 Keynote: Art, Culture and Diverse Finland: The Ministry of Education and Culture's action plan to promote diversity in the field of arts and culture and the short introduction of Dialogue cards, Maija Lummepuro, Senior Ministerial Adviser, Cultural Affairs, Ministry of Education and Culture, Finland
11.00 - 11.30 Example Theatre: Nordic Black Theatre, Cliff Moustache, Artistic Director, Norway; facilitator David Kozma, Artistic Director, New Theatre Helsinki
11.30 - 12.30 Round Table Discussion: How to normalise inclusivity and diversity in the performing arts scene? With Q&A
Riitta Heinämaa (Senior Ministerial Adviser), Maija Lummepuro (Senior Ministerial Adviser), Anisur Rahman (Teater Uplitt/Litteraturcentrum), Michael Omoke (Artistic Director, ACT), Tomi Purovaara (Chairman, House of New Theatre ry/ Cultural Director, City of Kotka), Julius Chavez (Actor, Det Flyvende Teater); facilitator David Kozma (Artistic Director, New Theatre Helsinki)
12.30 - 14.00 ***LUNCH BREAK***NETWORKING***
14.00 - 14.30 Keynote: To catch the curiosity. To work with youth in a cultural and linguistic diverse area, Liza Fry, Actor and former Director and Theatre Educator at Drömmarnas Hus, Sweden; facilitator Vanja Hamidi Isacson, Playwright, Artistic Researcher
14.35 - 14.55 Example collaboration: BIBU, Executive manager, Liselotte Lindahl, Sweden
15.15 - 16.15 Round Table Discussion: Youth participation in the Nordic countries - how to enable the same possibilities for all, with Q&A Vanja Hamidi Isacson (Playwright, Artistic Researcher), Janya Cambronero Severin (Artistic Director, Teater Aros), Nóri Varga (Theatre pedagogue, Coordinator of the Theatre of the Future project/New Theatre Helsinki), Pálína Jónsdóttir (Artistic Director at Reykjavík Ensemble); facilitator Davide Giovanzana (Artistic Director, New Theatre Helsinki)
Welcome to join at Hanaholmen through registration and online on NTH Youtube channel!
About the New Theatre Helsinki Initiative´s Nordic network:
The New Nordic Network: A Platform for Diversity is a network of performing arts organizations, groups and collectives, freelance artists and art producers working with the themes of cultural/lingual diversity and inclusion and based in the Nordics or with a strong connection to the Nordic countries.
Event supported by Nordic Culture Point-Network fund
Graphic: Theatre of the Future Summer Camp 2023, Nòri Varga
Place Vallila Stage (Vallilan Kansallisteatteri, Aleksis Kiven katu 17, 00510 Helsinki)
Date 27.10.2023 h19:00
Tickets https://fienta.com/julienne-doko-dk-rca-fr-w-o-m-b
W.O.M.B. (Worth of My Body) is a multimedia choreographic piece accompanied by live instrumentation. It explores the birthing and becoming of motherhood with the many changes this entails: the relationship to one's body and physicality, the passage of time, and one’s senses of identity and origin.
W.O.M.B. embraces all the poetry, compassion and pain that comes from creating life. The performance invites a reflection on the body's ability to change through witnessing the three dancers’ culturally-inflected interpretations of motherhood. No one, nobody can go through birthing without being transformed. In an era of physical scrutiny where bodily “flaws” are to be removed or hidden, W.O.M.B. pays homage to the body that bears the signs of creating life.
Choreographer: Julienne Doko in collaboration with the dancers
Dancers: Naa Ayeley, Meire Oliveira & Julienne Doko
Composer & Musician: Gert Østergaard Pedersen
Costume Designer: Charlotte Østergaard
Visual Artists: Jules Fischer & Mette Hammer Juhl
Poet: Lesley-Ann Brown
Consultant & Mentor: Marylise Tanvet
The performance is hosted by the New Theatre Helsinki initiative and the New Nordic Network: A Platform for Diversity.
Supported by Nordic Culture Point, Gramex/Copydan, Statens Kunstfond and Bikubenfonden.
The visit was made possible with the support of Nordic Cultural Fund.
@Nóri Varga
Who Belongs To Finland
Which stories are told in our Finnish theatres today? From whose perspectives are they told? Which stories are untold?
The first edition of the New Theatre Helsinki Festival challenges us with the question Who belongs to Finland. The programme is rich, the languages are many, the artistic content is compelling and the variety in forms of artistic expression is extensive. Theatre, dance, puppetry, stand up, poetry, music, discussions, workshops and an opportunity to clear your throat at an open mic session are all featured at the festival. This 2023 edition, Who Belongs to Finland, is a unique collaboration between Svenska Teatern and New Theatre Helsinki. It takes place at Svenska Teatern from February 18th to March 11th, 2023.
From September 2021 NTH started to facilitate workshops for youth in three different Youth centres in Helsinki.
Our main goal is to prove to the youngsters that theatre is enjoyable, is a community, and an inclusive art form that could be done by anyone. We offer theatre workshops for youngsters (12-18) for free. New Theatre Helsinki aims to work with students both without and with theatrical experience in English and in Finnish (depending on the facilitators and the groups needs).
In the workshops we try to introduce a huge variety of different theatrical genres. We emphasize that theatre could be a lot of things: different ways of thinking, different materials, different stories, and the participants has an effect on it. The youngsters has the power to make theatre, to introduce and represent their narratives. Together with the participants (age 12-18) we experiment with different ways of opening their stories, creating their own narratives. The workshops are pointing out that every participants experience is just as valid and showing ways how can they reach out a possible audience with it. In practice, that means that we are showing a colourful pallet of different genres such as movement based theatre, dance theatre, puppetry, or more realistic forms of theatre. For NTH groups theatre is also about community and thinking.
Read more about the workshops and the summer camp.
New Theatre Helsinki (NTH) on vuosille 2020–2023 sijoittuva esittävän taiteen hanke, jonka aikana Helsinkiin luodaan uusi esittävän taiteen kulttuuriselle moninaisuudelle omistettu esityskeskus. NTH on syntynyt tarpeesta saada yhteiskuntamme kielellinen ja kulttuurinen monimuotoisuus näkyväksi esittävän taiteen sisällöissä, tekijöissä ja yleisöissä.
New Theatre Helsinki -hankkeen päämääränä on toimia siltana ja alustana eritaustaisten esittävän taiteen ammattilaisten, moninaisten yleisöjen ja olemassa olevien teatteritalojen väliselle yhteistyölle ja kohtaamiselle. Verkostoitumisen myötä hanke ja tuleva esityskeskus luovat uusia yhteistoiminnan muotoja pääkaupunkiseudulla, koko Suomessa ja muissa Pohjoismaissa.
New Theatre Helsinki -hankkeen vastuullisina vetäjinä toimivat Helsingissä 2007 perustettu kansainvälinen teatterikollektiivi European theatre collective (etc) sekä vuodesta 2005 Helsingissä toiminut fyysisen teatterin eri muotoja yhdistelevä Teatteri Metamorfoosi.
Entistä inklusiivisemman esittävän taiteen kentän luomme yhdessä me kaikki – taiteen ammattilaiset, katsojat ja kokijat, yhteisöt ja yhteenliittymät. Matkalla uuteen esityskeskukseen järjestämämme avoimia keskusteluja, kohtaamisia, työpajoja ja esityksiä vaihtuvissa tiloissa ja kumppaniteattereissa. Seuraa meitä ja tule mukaan!
New Theatre Helsinki (NTH) is a performing arts initiative running between 2020–2023. The initiative’s purpose is to create a new venue dedicated to the cultural diversity of the performing arts field. NTH was born from the need to make the linguistic and cultural diversity of our society visible in the field of the performing arts: in its contents, makers and audiences.
The New Theatre Helsinki aims to be a meeting point and a platform for co-operation between the arts professionals and audiences from diverse backgrounds as well as the existing theatres. The project will also create new networks and forms of co-working within the capital region, Finland, and the other Nordic countries.
NTH is led by two Helsinki-based theatre associations well experienced in working in the field of performing arts and interculturality. European Theatre Collective (ETC) is an international theatre collective, formed in 2007. Teatteri Metamorfoosi, formed in 2005, focuses on physical theatre.
To build a more diverse and inclusive performing arts scene we need you all – spectators, performers, and arts professionals, communities, networks, and coalitions. During the project, we’ll organise open talks, meetings, workshops, and performances in different venues and at our partner theatres. You are most welcome to follow and join us.
Is a network of performing arts organizations, groups and collectives, freelance artists and art producers working with the themes of cultural/lingual diversity and inclusion and based
in the Nordics or with a strong connection to the Nordic countries.
Michael Omoke /ACT & New Nordic Voices
Meimi Taipale,
Stage director, dramaturg
Vanja Hamidi Isacson,
Playwright, PhD candidate
Ylva Hanson,
Freelance actor, director, MA-student in International Performing Arts
Anisur Rahman,
Poet, playwright
Julienne Doko,
Performer, choreographer, teacher
Wanjiku Victoria Seest,
An independent performing artist
James Lórien MacDonald,
stand up comedian
Maija Karhunen,
Good Hair Day collective